Lost for Words…Sort Of

It’s October 31st, and for the last week I have been asking myself, “What should I write about in this month’s newsletter?” In the shower, drying my hair or brushing my teeth – when my ideas usually come to me, to be completely honest here – nothing was coming this time around, except for other ideas to do with other projects I’ve been working on. I mean I wrote a Halloween article and finished writing two other articles, so I have been writing. I was creative with recipe development, or the Vegan recipe work-up I’ve got coming this week on social media, or putting my energy into finding a location for my winter camps, but for this newsletter for all of you, nothing really sparked back.

After sitting and staring at my computer screen for about thirty minutes (really….that’s a LONG time to be present and ponder), thinking I had failed and thinking “oh my goodness, what are my clients and my circles going to think of me if I can’t deliver”, I decided to write about this complete and utter honest feeling as if I have failed you all.

We make to-do lists, set deadlines, promise end dates with the projects that come onto our plate, but do we give ourselves enough time to be human? To allow the creative juices to flow to us? I mean, in the field of nutrition and wellness, I know there are a thousand and one topics I could write on – they flood my inbox enough throughout the week, but I guess lately I have just noticed much of the same talk without a lot of new action. At the end of the day, we can talk, tweet, write, set goals and intentions, post a new instagram photo or share a status update as much and as often as we’d like, but does that always transition into action?

So I ask you this – with two months left in 2016, what were some of the things you set an intention for at the beginning of the year? Did you make them all come true? Did you set an intention at all? If there is one thing you have not completed yet, take the next ten minutes to map out a plan of how you are going to make that come true. What steps do you need to carry out? What does your current calendar look like, and where are some spots you can put some dates in to be accountable to getting your intention mapped out and completed. Will its completion date take you into 2017? That’s O.K. You’re still getting a head start on it! Also make note of what may not have been a goal written out but that you did accomplish this year! Sometimes things happen unexpectedly, or new projects or opportunities come along that are meant to be in our path which could shift our other goals, or totally steer directions. Those are still huge accomplishments! You never know what the higher powers have set for you in this world sometimes!

Now do me a favour – once you put your commitments to working on this project in your calendar, value the importance of it. Take a look at that project time and respect the value there is in completing your projects that are your ideas and deserve the focused time in your day to complete them. We are often very quick to put our own projects, goals, dreams and deadlines to the back burner when something else comes up. I know I’ve done it and used to do it a lot more in the past until a conversation clicked in my brain that I was actually having with someone else about the value of the work I want to do to make the dreams into reality.

Here’s mine. In January of 2016 I printed a manuscript for the book I’ve been writing for the last three years. After a few set backs, I said, “Ok, I’m going to put this on the shelf for a while”. Well, in June 2016 it sparked back up and I learned of something else I needed to work on to make this come true. And guess what, I did that work just within the last two months. So this added bonus is now set and since I wake up every day thinking about this project and how much value and work I’ve put into it, and believing in it and what it can do for so many people, I will make sure something comes of it, and I will have the conversations that need to be had to turn it into a reality.

So remember, if you’re having a moment. If your computer is moving too slow. If you are being way too hard on yourself because something is not coming to you right away. If you are looking at your goals and asking ‘why didn’t I get that done’? Remove yourself from the situation. Walk out into nature. Lose the screens for a few hours…..in other words, unplug from the chaos and overwhelming energies that can sometimes surround you, and then plug back in. Just like our technology needs to be unplugged, so do you. We all have this in us – to accomplish whatever goals we may be working towards.

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