Are You Human?

Are you human? Or rather, what the heck does “are you human” even mean this day in age? Well, for starters, it could mean that I actually started writing this blog four weeks ago with the intention to have it as my September newsletter for my clients, but am just finally getting back to it now. My thoughts kept getting placed into a document, but other things in life were happening, and as such, this important article I wanted to write had to lay low for a bit. Being human was giving myself the permission to be O.K. with letting this part of my things-to-do-list hang out for a bit too. Or, recognize what we really want to be able to sit down and write about without distractions, with a clear mind so that our message gets across as we wish for it to.

Are you human’ is actually a question I personally get asked! That mixed with ‘you can do anything’ really does make me feel able in many ways, however, it could then put an expectation on us, our abilities, and the need to always get s*^# done right away, not to mention the “right” way, whatever that is! In the past, I would put this expectation and pressure on myself, and when I felt I couldn’t meet this, I would crumble, most often times, resorting to a mode of what I could control, which was my eating disorder. These days have long gone as I learned to cope, manage my thoughts, and take that long inhale and exhale breath to re-focus, and possibly re-strategize.   Don’t get me wrong, if anyone knows me, they know that having goals, written out, is such an important aspect of growth and learning, which I always factor into my life, but my way of setting and viewing deadlines has shifted. Knowing where you can be a little more flexible if taking the time for yourself needs to be done.

Your “human” nature is so incredibly different from the person sleeping beside you, working beside you, or who you may hang out with each day. As an entrepreneur, I have read many books, and studied many others’ habits in a day, but what I have recognized is that even some of these great leaders of the world – with their five-step system – don’t work for me. Parts of their suggestions work for me, but their way is theirs, and mine is for me to work on and continually develop. Each person is different, and our needs vary. What happens to you if you aspire to live life the way someone else has outlined has worked for them but then 2 weeks in you feel you are failing miserably and cannot figure out? Hmmmm…sounds much like those cookie-cutter-diets out there too.

Do I wish for everyone to recognize the value of his or her own health? Absolutely! You can see that in every part of my online presence, and how I live my life each day. But we all need to get to that point during our life’s journey and be ready to embrace the wonderful change, energy and confidence it brings along. I definitely still do have many Type A personality traits, but have realized that in order for me to thrive in my abilities, I also have to recognize my weaknesses and those times when I need to step back to allow the creativity to flow, to give to myself, and remind myself that it is O.K. to not always have it all together.

Life is energy – and if you’ve heard me before, I often say food is energy. Sometimes if energies around you seem off and shifted, you may not feel like yourself. Does that make you immoral or wrong? Absolutely not! It makes you human. And stepping back is O.K. to do.

As a nutrition professional, you’re probably wondering where my food reflection in this blog is right? I’ve had conversations with so many people, clients, and myself about having to “justify” the way you eat because it is balanced and energized in the right combination that works for that individual person. – people poking fun at individuals for the healthy habits they have or needing to “live a little” if they choose not to have a heaping portion of a pasta salad – this is so unnecessary and can really make a person question what they are practicing for their Self, if they are allowing others’ thoughts, questions, and overall judgment to get into their own heads.

So before we try to aspire to be what others want us to be, or expect us to be, take stock with yourself and ask what You need to do to be Your version of “human”. Be it in a way that works for You. I do encourage you to push yourself because our abilities in this world are so immense sometimes we scare ourselves! That’s that bit of fear in there which really means you should do something though! But know that if you need to press pause, unplug, or just sit for two hours on a Sunday afternoon because you need YOU Time, it is perfectly O.K. and you will be even better once you can step back and re-focus.

A good friend recently encouraged me to “take stock” of my accomplishments this year during the transition from summer to fall. Why are we so quick to always focus on what we don’t have yet instead of what we have accomplished thus far? Why, when we are asked ‘how are things going?’ do we say, “meh, alright”, “could be better”. I admit I have done this many times over and over, but truthfully, my feet hit the ground every morning, so I’m great!

So as we embrace the changing season of fall, and continue to settle back into a bit of a routine (as September schedules are now in full swing), ground yourself. Be O.K. with taking a Sunday afternoon for you to sit with your goals and ambitions and set some intentions – what are they going to be? Remember you don’t always need to justify or explain your “different” moods either. You’re human, and rightfully allowed to take some time to allow the clutter and distractions to settle out of your mind and gain some new perspective. We can all do anything we put our mind too, so remember that as you give yourself that time for the good thoughts and positive words to flow steadily throughout your body!


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